How Cannabis Helped My Crohn’s Disease
This blog article is a personal experience and obviously, each person should look at their own case very closely when seeking help and information online, this is not to be taken as medical advice but more to add to your perspective into this “case”.
Crohn’s Can Be Sore
So in this article, I’m going to be talking about how cannabis helped me a lot, particularly in easing suffering. Abdominal pain, the gut, the bodies fuel tank, and mine felt like it was made of glass, just for trying to eat, and even to the point that stress was literally killing me too much that I couldn’t even watch Formula 1, my passion to be honest, but the sounds and focus required were too “aggressive” shall we say that my gut would be set off into another flare-up. The agony was one thing, living with the pain that no one can see is another… I’ve had people tell me to fuck off because I looked at them wrong, little did they know I was in f*cking bits. Not his fault but a shit pill to swallow. The point being pain stops being physical when you’ve lived with it for months and becomes more like a scary, horrible, unnescarary “bad” filter for you to perceive the world through, while your body wastes away…
Knowing What Your Dealing With
Now apart the pain side of things, this particular crohn’s case, I couldn’t eat anything for 2 – 3 months, which wasn’t cool in itself but this is just to take a minute to think about a lot of people who do their day, go to work, lead a family all with this wretched condition a lot worse and have had many more surgeries than me, and those people have inspired me daily and if you don’t have this disease or IBD and can’t related specifically (obviously there are a lot more but this is a specific article), It’s pretty much like being made hyper-accountable for what you eat and if you drop your standards you pay a price with your gut in the following months or years with inflammation and problems.
And like myself years ago there are a lot of people out there with crohn’s disease with little to no education on how to help themselves (aside from what the doctor visits consist of), if this is you PLEASE, go on YouTube, google, and learn about your condition YOUR ALLOWED!, It’s your body, there are 10,000s of videos alone on YouTube that people are trying their hardest to reach YOU!, Food guides, guides on how to go toilet easier, stretches to help pain and cleanse your gut, learn about your gut bacteria. YouTube “How to help my Crohn’s Disease/IBD” and you’ll be surprised what you find.
How did cannabis contribute to help me exactly?
So all that aside, How did weed help my Crohns exactly? Well fairly simple but not without consequence of course. So with Crohn’s smoking a cigarette without treatment like I was living for years, would usually add 10% pain we could say, the reason I was untreated was I built a tolerance to this horrible feeling until eventually, I couldn’t walk, but this took months personally to realize this fatal mistake,
So smoking was bad, BUT if I were to smoke weed, it would get rid of all the tension and pain in my gut reducing my pain drastically, the only other thing that could get rid of my pain that good was putting my hand in boiling water, which I did a few time for a few moments of bliss away from the pain. So knowing this, whenever the pain got so bad that you’d almost do something stupid, having a simple smoke would ease it all, to be honest Im not going to tell you why scientifically it does, just it did. Obviously didn’t help the healing I needed to go on but a tradeoff had to be made.
What struck me in my country, I was given all the prescribable pain killers, just before morphine and any heavy opiates, they did nothing, because with Crohn’s you have a feeling of erosion with you, not quite as simple as a broken arm. And none of them worked… Why didn’t they consider CBD/THC treatment? I don’t know what the point is. If you are suffering and live somewhere where this treatment is available more than likely a shop go and ask if they have products you can try to use to help with pain if it ever gets too much because it is natural, won’t kill you and could help you.
Now not forgetting the facts a study published in the journal Inflammatory Bowel Diseases found that using marijuana for more than six months at a time to help with symptoms was a strong predictor of needing surgery in people with Crohn’s disease, because pain is an indicator that something is very wrong, and a lot of pain usually means something is very broken / continuing to break or both or worse. So don’t hesitate to seek medical help if needed, because no one wants surgery.
Enjoy when your down to thrive when your up
And on a final note speaking to the person who needs it. Bath in your suffering, and it will always come in life no good without bad no ying without yang. When your at rock bottom your options are fail or emerge into joy, and if you can find any peace in your suffering this will be translatable to a time when your at peace with no pain, able to enjoy the fruits of life.
Useful Links:
If you are interested in ways to learn about self-development I’d recommend watching these:
Eckhart Tolle – Has a book called “The Power Of Now” small book, full of wisdom to understand your true self, not just the thoughts in your head hopping from day to day
Russell Brand – A great character to break through heavy topics with his skill of comedy.
Improvement Pill – A YouTube channel who get great personalities on a specialists in their field to talk about ways to genuinely improve yourself, from Sleep, anxiety, gym, food, success etc
Joe Rogan – Some of his podcasts consist of doctors literally giving away cutting edge info being used right now.
From Your Pal Jack
Enjoyed writing alot, love the site.