Super Cropping Review With the Easy Super Cropper

Super Cropping Review With The Easy Super Cropper

Today I will be doing a review and tutorial of the Easy Super Croppers. The Easy Super Cropper was created by a family run business based out of Los Angeles that has been in the cannabis industry for over 15 years. Their goal is to make growers jobs easier and one of the ways they do this is by making tools that speed up super cropping making it more efficient and less damaging to the plant. I just received my easy super croppers in the mail and got a lot of positive feedback and some negative feedback from haters so without continuing to ramble on here is my non bias review of the Easy Super Cropper.

What Is The Easy Super Cropper

If you have not guessed yet from the name the Easy Super Cropper is a tool for cannabis growers, designed for making super cropping easier, faster, and less stressful to the plant bu ensuring you get a perfect bend each time without cracking or splitting the plant’s skin. As you can see from the instructions it is as easy as 1 select stem, 2 pinch with easy super cropper and 3 gently bend the branch in the desired direction. Find a full tutorial below.

Packaging & Shipping

The easy super cropper comes in a clear plastic case with a nice photo of a cannabis plant on the front of the package and instructions on the back.  The plastic case and Easy Super Croppers are shipped in a bubble wrapped envelope but as you can see in the photo the plastic was not crushed at all surprisingly. Although I had some hiccups with shipping the company was fast to fix the issues and provided great customer service when doing so.

How Much Do They Cost

The price of the easy super croppers is $17.99 USD so that equals out to be around $24.00 CDN. Shipping depending on where your located is going to run you between $6 to $8 so in total if you’re in the USA your looking at around 25 USD or less and if you’re in Canada the price will be around $35 to $40. If you outside North America shipping will be a little more expensive.

They Look Like Needle Nose Pliers

This is the comment I got over and over again on Instagram. The fact of the matter is yes they do look like needle nose pliers and yes you could probably make them yourself but the chance of them lasting and working as good as these do are a slim chance. I have been growing and super cropping for a number of years and the first time I used these I was amazed, there is just no way you can do as clean and fast as a job without them. Using needle nose pliers will break the stem as they are not rounded. Hate if you want to hate but the product works.

My Overall Opinion On Easy Super Croppers

2 thumbs up, I will not lie I was a bit skeptical at first but once I got the easy super croppers and tried them for the first time and realized how easy and fast it made super cropping and the fact that it creased instead of broke the stems allowing a faster healing time I was just amazed. I can honestly say that if I lost my pair tomorrow I would order another to replace them that they do that good of a job. I did get some complaints about the price on my Instagram but like anything, they take time to make, package and ship. I  understand how a business works and know they are new to the market so hopefully over time if the demand is there they can get the price down a little bit. This is one tool I am happy to have in the garden, it’s simple but works great.

Where To Buy The Easy Super Cropper

They have their own website to buy direct

Easy Super Cropper Tutorial

Super cropping is considered high-stress training. Super cropping can not only increase the potency of your plant but it will induce growth on your lower branches making more bud and tops for bigger yields. Super cropping is also great for helping to even out the canopy growth.  Below I will give a brief tutorial on how to super crop using the easy super croppers.

Step 1

Step 1 is to choose where you would like to super crop with the Easy Super Cropper. You can choose the main stem or a branch or chooses to do a few spots at the same time.

Step 2

Step 2 is to use the Easy super Croppers to pinch the stem. This will allow to easily bend the stem or branch forward in the next step without damaging the plant’s skin.

Step 3

Step 3 is to gently bend the branch or stem in the desired direction you would like it to grow. After 10 uses I have not broken the skin yet with the easy super croppers.

Let them heal & be rewarded

The last thing to do is let your plants heal and you will be rewarded at the end. As you can see in the photos below I had some lower branches dwarfing everything else so I super cropped them and 2 days later they are almost caught back up with the other grow plus it would have induced growth into the lower branches and increased your plant’s potency.

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Much Respect @NsRob

2 thoughts on “Super Cropping Review With the Easy Super Cropper”

  1. i ordered 2 pairs 2 months ago, so far they tell me they’ve sent my package 3 times yet its not turned up!! its now got to the ‘i’d like a refund’ stage and there not giving me my money back and are telling me to get in touch with pay pal, who took my money and passed it to them 2 months ago and see if there’d be able to help with my refund!!
    there a scam company and if you use them expect to lose your money.
    and if your promoting them like you are your part of the scam.
    i look forward to seeing this e-mail on your site
    (i know your not printing this but i’ll find someone who will)

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